Continuous ECG Monitor


Periodic measurements can’t explore heart irregularities that appear for minutes per month only. Consequently, without long-term, continuous ECG monitoring in a free-living environment effective prevention and diagnosis or heart function analysis is not possible.

The recent pandemic era multiplied the importance of home measurements of major indicators. During an outbreak, physician-patient encounters are minimized. The results of the ECG monitoring device can be followed online from the cloud by professionals.

Corlink is a kind of long-term holter monitor with real-time analysis and arrhythmia identification. Very early prevention is ensured by this unique solution.

Corlink Heart Rate Monitor


  • Real-time ECG analysis
  • Real long term monitoring
  • Real continuous monitoring
  • Effective arrhythmia identification
  • Two-level alarm function
  • Automatic emergency call
  • Online data collection
  • Remote assessment from cloud
  • Diagnosis proposal provided
  • Historical archive

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